Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How the heck did you two meet?!

The other day we were at a birthday party and Jamie's friend Byron asked the question...."How did you two meet? I mean she went to school abroad, and you, well, you're a fool!" The two of us died laughing! So, this is how the two most opposite people on the planet, met, got married, had a child, and lived happily/crazily after:

It was 1992 and I was driving up the 805 freeway in San Diego. I was with my "little sister" from the Big Sis/Little Sis program. As we were driving, multiple black sports cars, (all with black men in them), were in the lane next to us. My little sis started to wave at one of the men in one of the cars. I told her to stop waving because they were too old for her (she was 15 at the time) and were either a bunch of athletes or a bunch of drug dealers, and you don't want to mess with either! Yeah, I know, stereotyping at its worst. Bad!!! However, I wasn't was athletes and friends. So there! =)

Anyway, my little sis said, "No, I know one of them, he used to coach my basketball team when I was little." That coach so happened to be Jamie! I wasn't sure if I believed her or if she was just flirting, so on we went up the freeway.

A few weeks went by and my little sis was out and about, and who did she run into?.....Jamie! He asked her, "Who was that woman that you were in the car with the other day?" She told him it was her big sis, and then he proceeded to give her his phone number to give to me. So the next time her and I were together she gave me the phone number and told me it was from the guy we saw on the freeway. Well, I promptly threw it in the trash and said, "I don't call people that I see on the freeway that are complete strangers!" She said, "But I know him!" I didn't care, he was a stranger to me and you know what mom always says. =)

A couple more months went by and my little sis and I were driving around again and low and behold but who was standing in a friend's front yard talking?.....Jamie, again! Odds?!? My little sis says, "That is the guy that gave you the phone number." I said, "Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding me!? I better pull over and say hi or he is going to think I am totally rude." We pulled over, he came over to the car and said hi, and then promptly asked why I didn't call him. I told him, "I don't call people I see on the freeway. Let's do this the right call's my number." He then waited an entire WEEK to call! I guess he was getting me back for throwing away his number! Our first call was on a Sunday and we talked for FOUR hours! However, we still didn't go out for another two months. We got to know each other over the phone, day, after day, after day.

Finally, we had our first date which was at his apartment where he made me dinner. I know it sounds bad, first date, his apartment. We had been talking for two months for goodness sakes, it was like we were old friends by now! No worries…he was a complete gentleman.

You would think the rest was history, but noooooo, that would have been too easy. We dated from that day on, but there was a slight snag in our future. I had already made the decision before he and I met, to move back to Oregon to be closer to my family. Soooo, we literally fell in love, and it was time for me to leave. I debated whether or not to go, but Jamie told me to go because I would regret it if I didn't. He said, "If we are meant to be it will work out. You want to be with your family, so that is where you need to be." I left. We wrote and called constantly. Distance, not so fun....four months later he moved up to Oregon! Then three months later we moved back to San Diego! Nuts huh!? I am a Cali girl, I couldn't take the weather. Love ya fam, but had to go home.

THEN the rest was history! We got engaged, got married in '93, had Tatiana in '94, and here we are today. So when anyone asks the did we meet? The answer is.....on the 805 freeway.....fate took care of the rest!


Jessica Calanayan said...

LOL!!!! This story is good hearing/reading it 2 times.

Unknown said...

What a great could be a movie on the Woman's network!!

Amy Wise said...


I knew you would appreciate it since your Hubby made the initial hilarious comment! I will never forget it! =)


It's crazy huh!? Talk about meant to be! It's almost too crazy to be true but it's our life! Never ever a dull moment!! =)

Hugs ladies....Amy

Tonya Ingram said...

I love it!!! LOL

Amy Wise said...

Thank you Tonya! I can't wait to see what transpires with you! =)

The Exception said...

Now that is funny! It is always amazing the odd ways that people come together.

Amy Wise said...


It couldn't be much more odd than that! It still makes me smile. =)


Anonymous said...


So great to read about how the two of you came together. :) I was going to ask you if you would send me your complete story of how you met for the Loving Day Photo Exhibit. Is it okay with you if I use this blog post of yours, or would you rather right it up a little different for the exhibit? Just let me know. It's really a GREAT story! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Amy Wise said...


Glad you enjoyed our story! It was fun writing the story down. It's the first time in our total of 18 years of being together that I actually wrote the story out. It makes me laugh, smile and really realize how we were TRULY meant to be together. What are the odds...freeway, Jamie running into my Lil' Sis, Jamie being in a front yard as we drive by, me moving to OR......let alone the interracial issues...and we STILL made it! Wow!

You are more than welcome to use my blog post for the photo essay. Good timing! Ha ha! You can use it exactly as is if you would like because the post covers it all. =)

Have a beautiful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Amy! Of course, I meant "write," not "right". Even when I proofread my comments, I still miss the obvious! LOL! I have had a new idea for my photo essay. I would like to include some photos of both of you in the early years and through the years, if you wouldn't mind. The two of you are the only couple I have so far that have been together for more than 10 years. I would really like to "tell" the story through pictures. That's what a photo essay is all about. So, if you are interested, I'd like to have some pics of the following: You and Jamie in your dating years, pics of the wedding (of course!), pics of Tatiana as a baby and a few family pics of the three of you over the last 15 years. If you agree to do this, I will be forever in your debt. Your story will most likely be the "centerpiece" of the photo part of our booth. Thanks so much for being a part of a Loving Day celebration in Mid-Missouri!


"J" said...

Heh, to me it proves that a looong, complex and convoluted courting&dating process is the best base for a good marriage. Around me I see only those marriages survive, that took a long way to "transpire" The "I fell in love and married within a year" couples, are all falling apart around me in droves(including those of some close friends..not fun..). I guess between 27 and 35 is the crucial age. Those that are still married after that age, are the "steady ones"

Here's to another 18 years(and longer) :-)

Amy Wise said...


I do the same thing with the proofreading! I re-read multiple times and still miss errors! Pass the coffee please! =)

I would be happy to send you photo's through the years! What a special honor to be featured that way! When do you need the pics? Time to dust off the scanner! =) I truly can't wait to see the end result. Such fun! Have a beautiful week!



It's strange how marriages work and how marriages don't. I think people have lost track of their priorities and what is important in the long run. When times get hard people to tend to make excuses and run for the hills instead of working on things. It's a piece of cake to make it through the happy times but it's hard hard hard to make it through the rough ones. It's work that has to be done, but if the two people aren't willing to do it then....well we all know the end of that story. People tend to think the grass is greener on the other side when in actuality, life is life, is life and everyone goes through it....the question is do you want to go "through it" together?

Hope all is well! Thanks for always reading!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

Thanks so much for agreeing to send me more pictures! I have a lot going on right now, so there is no huge rush. I would like to have them all by June 3rd. That will give you some time to dig out the pics you want to send. I can't wait to see them!

Have a great week!


Amy Wise said...


I will get them to you in the next couple of weeks. Thank you again for including us in such a special day!


LMB said...

Love your blog!

Amy Wise said...


Thank you very much and thanks so much for reading!! I hope you have a fabulous week!


Unknown said...

I love your story. It was meant to be.
My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

Amy Wise said...

Buffi....thank you! It was soooo meant to be! No other words for it! Thanks again for reading and I love your blog too!


Petunia said...

What a fantastic story! It certainly was meant to be :)

Amy Wise said...


Crazy meant to be huh!? It still amazes me today. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Great story Amy as I move along on all your blog postings.

Amy Wise said...

Thank you Madge! Thanks so much for literally reading everything! Wow!
