“Hello, this is the Oprah Winfrey network calling.” Yes, that was the message that was playing on my answering machine last week as I walked towards my phone in disbelief. The caller went on to say that he was looking to speak with Amy Wise about an article she wrote about tough times don't have to mean no fun. Let me just say when I first heard the words “This is the Oprah Winfrey Network calling,” I thought it was a joke. However, when the caller started talking about a specific article I wrote, I picked up the phone and he introduced himself. He was an associate producer from the OWN Network at the new primetime Suze Orman show. He asked if I would be willing to give him a phone interview so he could get some more information about my article and situation for a possible appearance on the show. At this point I was between thinking, “I just know I’m being punk’d, to, “You have got to be kidding me!” I truly wasn’t sure what to think! So I didn’t think, and instead, I talked. As I started giving him details of how we lost everything due to the crazy water issue, how we fell apart, started over, and created an even more amazing dream and stronger family, I was still thinking, “I’m soooo being punk’d!” When he asked if I was willing to go into detail about just how financially devastated we were, because of course Suze Orman’s entire show is based on finances, I was still thinking, “This can’t be real!” I told him I wasn’t comfortable sharing financial information and asked him if he would send me some credentials via email. You just never know. He promptly sent the credentials and then we proceeded to talk some more. As we talked about my situation he also shared with me that he had read quite a bit of my writing online and really loved what he had read on my blog. He told me that he was in an interracial relationship as well. He said this was the first interracial relationship he had ever been in and it was wonderful to read my blog and see how happy we were after all these years. I said, “No way, of all the producers, they chose you to call me!?” I just thought that was hilarious! By the time we were done talking it felt like we were old friends. In fact, we plan to keep in touch and I’m so looking forward to seeing his relationship progress.
Okay, back to the OWN Network call. First, let me say that I’m not the type of person that gets star struck by anyone. I have lived a very blessed life that has exposed me to everything from embassy parties filled with dignitaries, princes, and military elite, to, media, literary and sports figures. We have always taught Tatiana that no matter what type of job you have, it’s just a job. When someone is in the spotlight it has nothing to do with who they are as a person, it’s simply their career. We have made sure to teach her that nobody is better than anybody else no matter what they do or how much money they make. So, that being said, I have to say when The Oprah Winfrey Network called, I will admit, I was blown away! Yes, I admit it. Not because it was her network, but because she has been through it all and is the queen of inspiration! You could have knocked me over with a feather when I got that call. It meant the world to me because my mission and my passion is to always pay it forward. I mean every single day! Whether it’s opening a door, donating, volunteering, lending a hand…whatever the help might be….that's what I’m all about! Over the last four years we have had support and help from so many and I’m determined to forever pay that forward. Forever. That is what the call represented to me. It’s about inspiring others and being there for each other and the OWN Network and everyone involved in that network is all about inspiration and helping! I literally cried when I got off the phone because I knew the call meant that I was on the right path and doing the right things after all the madness and mayhem we have lived these last four plus years.
I have talked to the network a couple of times since the initial call and regardless of what happens down the road I will always treasure the fact that our story was, and is, inspirational to others dealing with difficult life issues.
Mind you, we are still in the middle of dealing with our case, appeals, and the insanity of the “justice” system, but we have created a new life and we no longer let the old life control our future. We control it. After all, who says we can only have one dream!? We have created new dreams and my heart literally sings when I sit back and look at how far we have come. We have been through so much and have worked so hard as a family to not only keep it together after losing everything and having to totally start over, but to make sure that we are stronger than ever before. Jamie has been our steady rock and will be starting his own business, Tatiana graduated high school one year early and is starting her new future, and I have an amazing career as a writer. We fell hard, but we slowly and methodically got back up because we were surrounded by support, love, and faith. It’s really quite amazing!
In the end, the calls from the OWN Network will always hold a special place in my heart, but more importantly the calls reiterated that dreams CAN come true, not once, but as many times as you want them to. So for everyone out there….go for it…your dreams are waiting. Now it’s your turn!
Amy, what an honor and a blessing to know that you are in fact doing the right things, good for you. May each step we take lead the way to peace for all.
Love this soul sister separated at birth. OWN network is a huge deal and whether it happens or not you were called and they recognized a great story when they heard one.
Thrilled for you, Amy. Are you going to appear on an episode of OWN show in the near future? Let me know in advance, so I can watch it or set my dvd recorder to record it. You truly are an amazing woman with a beautiful heart. I would love to see this OWN network interview you live about your awesome blog and how you support interracial marriages and relationships. Keep up the great work. Keep Interracial Love Alive.
Second thought. Perhaps, you will be interviewed by OWN and other networks once your interracial book is out in stores. That would be great too. NKD
Lynda, Madge and Nay K,
Thank you so very much! I'm quite honored to have received that call and I'm just going to keep on keepin' on! It has been such a crazy journey and we are still in the middle of it. I never would have imagined that things would turn out the way they have. Life is such a wild ride isn't it!? Hugs and love to all of you. Have a fabulous "short" week!
congrats! You're -what do you Americans call it?- "On a roll"?
Glad that all "weer op zijn pootjes terecht komt"
Dutch for "All ends well"
Yeah, I know. Looooong silence from me.
I've been in a bit of a mental pickle. Let's keep it at that.
Jay!!!! Oh my gosh!!! How are you? It's so good to hear from you!? I've wondered many times where you disappeared to. I hope things are getting better in regards to your mental pickle. Been there done that and I soooo get it. Just do one thing starting today that will help that mental pickle turn around. Then tomorrow, then the next day and so on. It's been a hard for years on this end but once I decided to not the circumstance control me, then it all started turning around. If there is anything I can do please let me know. I understand to my soul what a "mental pickle" can do but it's the getting out and getting rid of it that is oh so very amazing! I'm soooo happy you are back in touch. Hang in.
I had the burn-out of burn-outs, due to the inheritance of my dad, the white elephant-house, and before that his ilness (myloid leukemia, very agressive blood cancer)
Stuff at work went crazy. Kick people out, increase the work-load of tose left 10-fold.. Well You know the drill.
I snapped, and it was my manager that said :" oooohkay..off to the company physician, because this is odd, having known You for 10-years as a worthy collegue, and very knowledgeable professional.
He basically saved me from worse...
A lot of therapy and some medication (Lexapro) got stuff sorta' back on the rails. Still not completely well, but luckily, overhere, i was insured by my company.
I work for 50% now, get a little less wages ,but not too bad.
Back to You.
I am glad that You finally could make a hobby into Your profession. Must be great to be able to do that.
I never doubted Your ability to write, but I also know writing must be quite exeptional to get into it professionally, so , KUDOS! to You!
Say Hi! to Jamie and daughter from me (and she is looking more stunning by the day!! She's going to leave a trail of longing hearts in college :P )
Oh Jay I'm so very sorry to hear you went through all that. But I'm sooooo happy to hear you have come out the other end and are doing better. I fell apart when the water mess happened to us and Jamie said, "you are the strongest woman I know and you are letting these people destroy you." I went to therapy after that and it helped so much! It's wonderful when the people in our lives are there to show us who we are so we can pull ourselves out of the darkness. I'm thrilled to hear you are working less and doing better. That is always a good thing! Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it's hard sometimes.
In regards to everything that is happening on this end. It's been a journey but I'm so thankful and continue to be thankful on a daily basis.
Thank you for lovely comment about Tatiana. She is doing great as is Jamie.
Hang in Jay and once again I'm sooo very happy to be back in touch and even happier that you are doing well.
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