Monday, May 18, 2009

In Black and White.........

Family dinners....they make for the most interesting conversations. The other night at the dinner table Tatiana was telling Jamie and I about some videos on You Tube. She was telling us about one in particular where people share their secrets but don't show their faces. In this video there was a teen who said they hated themselves because they were half black and half white. That just broke my heart. After she told us about the video we had a discussion and asked Tatiana if she had any issues because she was half black and half white. She said "Not at all, why would I!?" In my heart I knew that would be her answer because we have raised her to love herself for who she is, period. =) We have always taught our daughter to cherish the blending of cultures, races, traditions, and all of the other things that go along with being a "mixed" family. I wish I could sit down and talk with the the teen in the video and find out why they would have these feelings. Clearly this child needs someone to talk to. It's so important to always have an open dialogue about these things so that if there are problems no matter what they might be, you can solve them together. I love that Tatiana always talks freely about her race and heritage. People are fascinated when they find out what her background is comprised of......Russian, Swedish, Indian, African, Creole, black, white, etc. She has the best of ALL worlds! =) We are all a blend of something, and that is what makes each and every one of us so special. Take a look in the mirror today and are amazing!

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