Thursday, February 16, 2012

Interracial Marriage on the Rise.....

A report just came out from the PEW Research Center on interracial marriage. Much of the media is reporting on the study. Our family was part of the story in USA Today and the L.A. Times.

After being together for 20 years and married for 19, we don't think of each other as an interracial couple...we are a couple.

In the end, we are not made up of colors, we are just us.♥  I'm thankful and honored that our family is part of the story bringing about awareness and change. It is imperative to open minds so one day this will no longer need to be a story.

Check out some of the articles about the rise of IR marriage with our family featured:

USA Today~
Our family picture representing the USA Today article about the PEW report. (2/16/2012)

L.A. Times~
Article in L.A. Times about the PEW report with a brief interview from me. (2/16/2012)

USA Today~
Our family featured in USA Today article about the rise of interracial marriage. (11/8/2011)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

To the love of my life~

My soulmate
My rock
My shoulder
My lover
My best friend.

Thank you
for your caring
for your craziness
and for your love.

My heart is warm
My life is full
Because of you.

Happy Valentine's Day Jamie J!
Always and forever,

Click here to read our interview about our "love style" on Style Goes Strong.