Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

One of our nativities at home.....

Our other nativity at home.....

Volunteering at Angel Food.....

Oh the holidays!  Busy, busy, busy!  I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a very merry Christmas and a truly happy New Year!!!  May you find love and much happiness during this holiday season!  I hope you all embrace the wonderful traditions from all sides of your beautiful families and relationships.  Treasure the differences and learn from each other.  It's pure joy when you take it all in!    I will be back in 2010 with more stories from our 17 wild and wonderful years!!! From my family to yours merry, merry Christmas!  Amy

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby Steps.....

I'm a little behind the eight ball in my blogging.  Family, holiday festivities, and work don't leave much time for me to write during this busy season, but this one I had to share!  To my surprise the client who I have written about twice on my blog, you remember...the racist one, well she came in the other day, put her hand on my arm and informed me that she went to apologize to a woman she knows that is black for some hurtful, racist comments she had made to her.  I couldn't believe it!  She said our talks had helped some, and she was trying to be more open to change just a little bit at a time.  I told her I thought that was wonderful and I was so happy to see her trying to be more open minded.  I thought I was wasting my breath with her but apparently she really listened.  This makes my heart sing!  So even though she still has a long way to go, sometimes all it takes is baby steps.