The picture above was taken at a wedding we went to this past weekend. The significance of the picture and the wedding is pretty amazing considering today's post. Because I write a blog about interracial marriage I pay a lot of attention to things that are going on in regards to interracial relationships and race in general. However, somehow I missed this latest story until it showed up in my inbox from a friend of mine who is also in an interracial marriage. She is Hispanic and her Hubby is black. But first, back to the picture. The wedding that we went to in the picture was also for a mixed race couple. She is white and he is Hispanic. The wedding, and the day, was about a beautiful couple, getting married in a beautiful location, creating a beautiful family. The end. It wasn't about what race they are, it was just about love. Now, back to today's post. Sorry I'm all over the place today, but I think I'm in such shock, and the relevance of an interracial wedding is so ironic, that you will quickly get the picture.
The article below is about an interracial couple in Louisiana who went to apply for a marriage license. When the Justice of the Peace found out they were a mixed race couple he denied the license!!! Yes, you heard me.....denied!!! This is some of what he said....
Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says, "It is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long." Bardwell said he asks everyone who calls about marriage if they are a mixed race couple. If they are, he does not marry them, he said. Bardwell said he has discussed the topic with blacks and whites, along with witnessing some interracial marriages. He came to the conclusion that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society, he said. "There is a problem with both groups accepting a child from such a marriage," Bardwell said. "I think those children suffer and I won't help put them through it."
Excuse me!!!???? Interracial marriages don't last that long??? The children suffer!!!?? Last I checked I have been married to my husband for 16 years and we are stronger than ever! He is my best friend and the love of my life! Did I not just recently write a post about "The Children" and how amazing it is to have such a diverse background? How embracing all of who you are makes you such a fabulous well rounded person? If that's suffering, well then bring it on! Um, isn't the President of the United States a "mixed race child?" Too bad he had such low aspirations and ended up doing nothing with his life! =) I wonder how he feels about this decision? Last I checked denying a marriage license based on race was outlawed in 1967....why is this man still allowed to marry people? Why isn't he in jail? He is breaking the law based on personal opinion. I'm sorry, how is that legal? I can't stop shaking my head, and have yet to pick my jaw up off the floor because I seriously can't believe this happened in 2009!!! It's one thing to be ignorant and we all know racism is out there, but THIS!!!? Ohhhh heck no! Not acceptable. Discrimination at it's worst. Okay I have ranted enough......soooo Mr. Keith Bardwell, so called Justice of the "Peace," first of all, you should not be allowed to use the word "peace" in your title, you are creating hate not peace. Second of all, next time maybe you should do a little research on interracial couples and you will find that we are all quite happy in our marriages! We might have to go through some things that most people in same race marriages don't, but the reason we have to go through these "things" is because of people like YOU who just keep the madness of racism alive. We are just couples, no different than anyone else. Me personally, I feel sorry for you that you haven't allowed yourself to experience the joy of marrying EVERYONE who is in love. Love doesn't discriminate, maybe you shouldn't either.